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Prices vary depending upon your manuscript needs. Please get in touch for a quote for your manuscript.
I take pride in quality work at an affordable price. It is also my goal to make my editing services as accessible as possible, so payment plans that work within your budget are available upon request.

Manuscript Evaluation Service


A manuscript evaluation is an in-depth analysis of your manuscript and includes, but is not limited to, an examination of:

  • your story structure

  • your story dynamics

  • aspects of your writing (mechanics)

  • how your manuscript fits the genre

A manuscript evaluation report is completed after reading the manuscript in its entirety. The report is typically five to ten pages, depending upon the elements and recommendations required for your manuscript. Suggestions and guidance, along with resources on each subject, will be included.

I also include light markup on the manuscript to highlight specific areas that need revision or expansion and can also indicate examples of grammatical errors or style errors.

Recommendations and information for your next steps on the path to publication will also be included in the report.


The primary genres that I do manuscript evaluations for: mysteries, thrillers, memoirs, childrens, creative nonfiction, literary fiction.


Novels 30,000 to 60,000 words: $370 (USD) or $475 (CAD)

Novels 60,000 to 80,000 words: $470 (USD) or $600 (CAD)

Novels 80,000 to 110,000 words: $570 (USD) or $725 (CAD)

Copyediting Service


When copyediting, I focus on accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax. I will also check for consistency in spelling, capitalization, font usage, numerals, hyphenation, and headings.


I will examine your manuscript for any continuity errors, factual errors, or if there are inconsistencies in the story. The copy edit also entails correcting some minor formatting errors, if needed.


I also copyedit books that have been translated to English, ensuring that the translations are accurate.


Having worked with both American and Canadian authors, I am proficient in the style guides, as well as the spelling and punctuations rules, for both countries.


$0.01 – $0.02 (USD) or $0.013 – $0.026 (CAD) / word

Minimum charge of $60 (USD) or $75 (CAD)

Price varies due to specific manuscript needs.

I would be happy to give you a free sample edit and quote for your manuscript.

Flexible payment arrangements are available.

Novel Interior Formatting Service


If you are self-publishing your book, formatting your manuscript is just as important as editing and proofreading. The way your words look inside the cover adds to, or detracts from, the reader experience.


Or, if you are sending your manuscript to a publisher for consideration, it must be properly formatted to be well-received at the start.


Have your manuscript formatted correctly for the upload or submission process.


Novels up to 80,000 words, no pictures: $65.00 (USD) or $85 (CAD) + $10 (USD) or $13 (CAD) / additional 20,000 words.

For books below 10,000 words or containing pictures, please get in touch for a free quote.

Developmental Editing Service


I will look at the big picture of your story. My focus when reading your manuscript will be on elements such as plot, descriptions, pacing, dialogue, character development, theme, point of view, and style.


In addition to the markup within your manuscript, I write a detailed report addressing the aspects of your work that need improvements and include resources for you to refer to.


The primary genres that I do developmental editing for are: mysteries, thrillers, memoirs, childrens, creative nonfiction, literary fiction.


$0.015 – $0.025 (USD) or $0.019 – $0.032 (CAD) / word

Minimum charge of $75 (USD) or $95 (CAD)

Price varies due to specific manuscript needs.

I would be happy to give you a free quote for your manuscript.

Flexible payment arrangements are available.

Proofreading Service


Once your manuscript has been fully edited and is formatted for submission to a publisher or for self-publication, I will closely inspect it for any errors that may be remaining.


Some examples of the things I will be looking for, and correcting, are: spelling errors, typos, punctuation errors, spacing issues, incorrect captions and page numbers, table of contents errors, and errors in other elements such as tables and graphics.


This is the final check before printing and the last chance to correct any mistakes that may still be in your manuscript after revisions.


$0.01 – $0.015 (USD) or $0.013 – $0.019 (CAD) / word

Minimum charge of $60 (USD) or $75 (CAD)

Price varies due to specific manuscript needs.

I would be happy to give you a free quote for your manuscript.

Flexible payment arrangements are available.

Prologue Package

A Manuscript Evaluation

PLUS  3 – 35 minute Coaching Sessions


After your manuscript evaluation has been completed by me, you will receive three coaching sessions where we will discuss the aspects of the evaluation that you would like to know more about, or ask questions about the steps to self-publishing, or find out more about how to query your story to publishers and agents.


These virtual coaching sessions are an open discussion for you to ask all the questions you have about how to get your book from the idea stage into the hands of readers.


The primary genres that I do manuscript evaluations for: mysteries, thrillers, memoirs, childrens, creative nonfiction, literary fiction.


Prices for Manuscript Evaluation Service plus 3 – 35 minute Coaching Sessions:


Novels 30,000 to 60,000 words: $440 (USD) or $565 (CAD)

Novels 60,000 to 80,000 words: $540 (USD) or $690 (CAD)

Novels 80,000 to 110,000 words: $640 (USD) or $815 (CAD)


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